If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you may request a full refund within 30 days. We resolve nearly 100% of our customer’s issues within 48 hours. Please contact our customer service department at 833.223.5434 or email us at

Receptra ships to all 50 states, but we do not ship internationally. If you have any questions about shipping to a particular region, please contact the logistics gurus in the Receptra customer service department 833.223.5434 or email us at

Yes, our customer service representatives are available M-F between 10am – 5pm MST to assist you with your order. You can reach our customer service department at 833.223.5434. You may also place your order anytime online. It’s usually faster and more efficient to place your order online using our secure encrypted website.

Please allow order processing time of 24-72 hours and note that our facility is closed on the weekends. Arrival time of your products may vary dependent on the shipping option you choose. Generally, if you choose our standard USPS free shipping option, your products will arrive within 7-10 days. As tracking creates you will receive an email with the information needed to track your package to your home. Holidays will affect ship times as well.

We are happy to address all of your concerns regarding your order to ensure it gets to the right place. Please contact customer service at 833.223.5434 or email us at

Receptra Pure Hemp Extract is an oil extracted from the flowers of hemp plants. Using a process similar to that used to make vanilla extract, the dried hemp flowers are washed with a food grade alcohol. Then the alcohol is evaporated, leaving only the extract from the hemp flower. This extract is very sticky and fragrant at this stage. We test our extract for everything from residual pesticides to heavy metals and more. Once it has passed these tests, we use the oil to create our products.

Each of our bodies metabolize the naturally occurring components in Receptra’s Hemp products differently. For that reason, we suggest that adults take 1 full dropper sublingually (under your tongue) 2-3 times a day. It is common for people to start at the low end, and work their way up until they achieve the desired results.

Room temperature is perfect for Receptra’s topical hemp products. All Receptra extracts are “shelf stable” meaning they do not require refrigeration. Keep a bottle in the bathroom, on your nightstand or in your day pack.

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